ImagingUSA in Atlanta

It’s been quite an experience the last few days inside Imaging USA in Atlanta where all photographers and videographers meet on an annual basis to see all of the new equipment that the big companies are here presenting, such as Canon, Nikon, Tamron, Sigma, Phase One, etc.

My wife is a photographer but I just enjoy looking at what photographers use for business purposes and seeing lots of creative, right brained people together in one place. It’s quite an interesting experience if you ever get the chance to go when Imaging is in your area. If you have any interest at all in running a photography business, all print labs and equipment supply companies are readily available at this event offering special show prices as well.

The world’s first 100MP camera is now available by Phase One which is a 16-bit CMOS camera made in conjunction with Sony. If you are willing to fork over almost $50,000 (retail price of $48,995), you can have the most amazing magazine quality photos without having to do all of the photo editing required with other cameras.

Find out more at

The next event is in San Antonio, TX, and we are planning to be there so if you decide to make the trip, we hope to see you!