Big Creek Township (Neighborhood HOA)

We can develop a site that is suitable for your community to allow neighborhood residents to share ideas, post topics to a forum, distribute newsletters, allow multiple administrators (so multiple people can administrate the site and approve users), and much, much more.

The example site here,, uses a container management system, called Drupal, to allow the system to drive itself after being setup. Essentially, you can have one or many users be an administrator on the site to approve or disapprove users to your site, but all other functionality can be done by user roles or access to all privileges if all users will have the same role within the system. It can be configured in such a way that you will never have to maintain it. Big Creek Township utilizes this website for emailing monthly newsletters to residents, posting events to a Google calendar that has been set up for the community and most recent events can be shown in a sidebar, viewing recent neighborhood watch news, reading local news stories, becoming friends with neighbors, submitting requests for the management company, posting yard sales, posting classified ads, and much more!

We can have the website set up in a matter of days to your liking. Call (404)941-0506 or send a message to to get started!