West Lanier Georgia Tech Club

West Lanier Georgia Tech Club is a an alumni club in North Georgia to provide information for upcoming events, activities, and basic information about Georgia Tech alumni and athletics to alumni that live in the North Georgia area of Forsyth County. The site was built on WordPress which currently has 2 administrators and an active blog. The site has an integrated event calendar for sharing and posting events and the ability for users to register for accounts, post comments, vote on polls, share information, and post pictures for other members.

A Facebook page and Twitter feed was set up to coincide with the website and Twitter feeds have been integrated into the site as well for a one-stop shop for information on the site. Alumni are always kept up-to-date between the site, Facebook account, Twitter feed, or mass emails distributed by the club president or directly through the site itself.

Call (404)941-0506 or send a message to Michael@smartwaredesign.com to get started!